Sunday, 29 September 2013

Natural Remedy for Different Types of Heartburn (Part 2)

Thank you for visiting my blog. In my previous post I already discussed a few types of heartburn. This post is a continuous from my previous post which is Natural Remedy for Different Types of Heartburn. Below are another types of heartburn that most people suffering from. Check it out!

Nighttime Heartburn:
Possibly one of the worst and most painful kinds of heartburn attacks is Nighttime heartburn. While other heartburns happen in the daytime and can be handled by resting and taking medicines, nighttime heartburn attacks you during the time when your entire body system is in relaxed mode and unprepared to handle the pain and discomfort.Why does nighttime heartburn happen? Well the answer is quite simple - during the night we usually lie in one position for an extended period of time, that triggers our esophageal sphincter to relax making it easier for the acid to circulate into our esophagus. On more reason is the insufficient saliva. For the ones who don't understand, saliva is your body's best natural defense against heartburn and at night the secretion of saliva is reduced. This makes us more susceptible to heartburn during the night.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD):
Many individuals are well aware of GERD or Acid reflux disorder or Gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is another type of heartburn, the ultimate difference being that it can be more dangerous and even more painful. GERD is a lot more dangerous than heartburn and is a sign of causing more serious underlying problem. If you suffer from heartburn a little more than once a week, and the episodes lasts for hours or days, chances are that you happen to be affected by GERD and not just a simple heartburn.

The more time that you allow GERD untreated, the bigger are the possibility of suffering from other serious health issues for instance gingivitis, halitosis, laryngitis, interstitial fibrosis, asthma and wheezing. Increased quantity of intestinal acids that flow into the esophagus may cause inflammation in the lining of the esophagus, causing it to be a more complex and painful condition.Thus it is advisable to get yourself treated at the earliest. Your health care provider can suggest various methods that can aid in determining the severity of your condition and prescribe medications accordingly.

Chronic Heartburn:
Chronic heartburn is a general term that is used in referring to heartburn attacks that occur 2-3 times every week and are more important in nature. Before finding the best remedy for treating chronic heartburn, remember this is a wise idea to refer to your medical professional. Since frequent heartburn attacks can possibly be a sign of other diseases like GERD. It is suggested you get all your tests done and realize the true cause for the frequent heartburn attacks. 

Similarly to every other different kinds of heartburn, there are numerous highly effective natural remedies that will assist you treat chronic heartburn and also provide relief from the pain and burning sensation. Understanding the type of heartburn you suffer from tend to make it much better to identify the cause for your heartburn. This technique helps in evading the triggers and finding the most effective remedies for treating those painful heartburn episodes.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Natural Remedy for Different Types of Heartburn

Hi there. Welcome to my blog. I believe you re here looking for some information regarding acid reflux treatment which is also known as heartburn (CLICK HERE TO KNOW MORE WHAT IS HEARTBURN). Before searching for any medical treatment of any kind of disease, you have to figure out what exactly the root of the problem you are suffering from. Same goes to heartburn and acid reflux disease. You have to determine what types of heartburn you are suffering from before finding any medical treatment to cure it. Well, in this blog post, you are going to discover what types of heartburn you are suffering from. 

Before you start looking for heartburn treatment, you have to understand the different types of heartburn and it is better to understand which type of heartburn that you have. Although it sounds surprising yet the reality is that heartburns are classified under several types, based on the root cause and severity. If you think it is important to learn more facts about the many different catagory of heartburn, keep reading.

Some of The Most Common Types of Heartburn

Summer Heartburn:
Summer is the duration for outings, for enjoying the yummy fries and cheese sandwiches as well as the time of increased heartburn. The sultry heat mixed with unhealthy foods will make you more susceptible to heartburn attacks. In case you first experienced heartburn in a similar way, then most likely you are someone who does suffer from summer heartburn.

A general guideline is to avoid acidic foods when you are out in the sunshine and eat light meals that are not difficult to digest. There are a number of good natural ingredients which could offer instant relief from summer heartburn.

Pregnancy Heartburn:
Pregnancy cause a lot of medical disorders, heartburn becoming one of them. But the best part about it is such heartburn problems resolve themselves at the time the little one has been born. Toward the third trimester of your pregnancy, the strain against your stomach increases. This reduces the digestion and causes the digestive acids to maintain in the stomach for a longer period. This boosts the chance of flow-back of acid out of your stomach into your esophagus, leading to heartburn.While there are numerous natural remedies and other medicines which could treat heartburn, it is recommended to speak to your doctor before taking them.

These are just 2 types of heartburn. The rest will be post later on during my free time. I will be back once gain enough information about types of heartburn. To learn how to cure your heartburn, visit heartburn no more official website now.

