Sunday, 4 August 2013

Natural Ways to Treat Acid Reflux

Varieties of treatments are available in order to cure acid reflux. Over the counter products and prescription like proton pump inhibitors and antacids were only designed for a short term care or occasional use only. A few kind of lifestyle and dietary changes are really important in order to gain a long term relief for acid reflux. What you should eat with acid relfux is the subject of many diet plans and cookbooks.
A lot of people consider herbs and botanicals natural remedy for treating acid reflux disorder. Certain foods, botanicals and herbs are naturally more alkaline than acid which can help return the ph of the digestive system to a more neutral state. A number of these are included in diets that recommend what things you should eat with acid reflux problems.

They may include ginger root, fennel seed, herbal teas, non-citrus fruits and the majority of vegetables. Instead of just recommending what to eat with acid reflux, some diets give attention to what to avoid. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, caffeinated beverages, garlic, chili powder, chocolate, fried and foods with high fat are just a few of the highly acidic foods which will require to be restricted or eliminated when acid reflux is a problem.
Other natural remedy to look after the symptoms of heartburn include changes in a ways of eating. Instead of focused on what to eat with acid reflux, these recommendations focus on when and the quantity of food someone eats. It may still be essential to avoid the more acidic foods, but eating smaller meals every couple of hours throughout the day, rather than two or three large meals can help. It is also recommended to try to eat your last meal at least three hours before bedtime, especially when nighttime symptoms are visible. 

Another of the natural remdedy for acid reflux is raising the head of the bed about 6 inches higher than the foot of the bed. In this way, gravity helps keep stomach acid in the stomach. Some people experience symptoms such as hoarseness in the morning. This may be caused by acid particles traveling up the esophagus during sleep and irritating the vocal cords. Recommendations about what to eat with acid reflux are still included in treatment plans to relieve these symptoms of "silent" acid reflux, even though heartburn may not be present. 

Other recommended natural remedy for acid reflux may include changes in lifestyle. Many people lead fast paced stressful lives, but it is important to slow down for meals. A few minutes of deep breathing or meditation before meals can help relax the stomach and reduce acid reflux. If you follow all the recommendations about what to eat with acid reflux, but you still use tobacco products and drink alcoholic beverages then you may still have problems. Most experts recommend that those who suffer from acid reflux should not smoke and should reduce or exclude alcohol, particularly alcohol that is consumed in the evening.

Your doctor may be able to recommend other natural remedy for acid reflux and most gastroenterologists have diet plans for what to eat with acid reflux. For more information about acid reflux and other digestive problems, visit the official page of Natural Remedy for Acid Reflux NOW!!

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